Young Judaea Global logo

Now is the time to invest in today's Jewish youth.

For over 100 years, Young Judaea has inspired Jewish youth of diverse backgrounds to become engaged leaders and inspired activists with a deep personal connection to Israel.

❤️ Make an impact today!

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Young Judaea Global is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization, and your donation is tax deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. Please keep your receipt as your official record. We'll email it to you upon successful completion of your donation.

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Your Support Will...

• Guarantee the future of the oldest, and most vibrant Zionist youth movement in North America.

• Allow us to continue running Year Course, a program that sends upwards of 200 kids annually to Israel and counts more than 10,000 alumni.

• Help us to run year-round YJ Teens programming for Jewish teens across the United States including Regional, National Conventions/Shabbatons, and educational events.

• Provide a wide variety of summer programming in Israel for Jewish youth that includes internships, cultural immersion, leadership training, and more.

• Help us sustain our unique peer leadership approach to year-round and summer programming which has produced hundreds of Jewish educators and non-profit leaders worldwide.

and more...